8 Rules ALL Men Must Break in Life

January 9, 2024
In life, you have a choice of which road you will take. You have two options. One road is the typical road which is safe and what everybody expects you to go down. It’s a nice and comfortable life that could be more exciting. It’s an average life. If you want to be average, take that path.

On the other hand, the other choice is for people who are willing to take chances and risks. These people are not afraid to be uncomfortable and break the rules. At the end of that road are your wildest dreams and the best man you can be. Which road are you willing to take?

Nothing great in life is guaranteed. You have to be willing to fail, and you need to be willing to take chances. You don’t want to look back at your life and think about everything you didn’t go after. To me, that’s tragic, and that is the life I choose not to live. I will fail and mess things up, but I won’t live a life of regret. The journey is long and arduous, but in the end, it’s fantastic.

Rules to live an exceptional life

  1. Transparency. Be as transparent as possible with your intentions and emotions. We can act and resonate with people we feel are vulnerable and honest because we can sniff out sh!t. Unfortunately, 99% of people put up a wall and act like something better than they are.
  2. Dare to be different. Super ultra-successful people are different because they’ve taken chances and risks and are quirky. Challenge the status quo and not be afraid to be yourself. Be willing to be different.
  3. Be willing to fail. Do not think of a failure as a negative. If you ever expect to reach that ultimate dream, you must be willing to fail because it’s part of the process. Many people fear trying because they fear failure.
  4. Don’t wait for perfect timing. Perfect timing doesn’t exist. It’s all about risk-taking and taking calculated risks. The truth is nothing ever great was accomplished because it was easy. You need to push down fear and be willing to push down that voice in your head telling me you can’t. You can live a life different than small-minded people, but you have surrounded yourself with. This is your journey and purpose. Decide your path, which will define your success.
  5. Work for yourself. Successful people either have a great side hustle or they work for themselves. Side hustles typically start as a side project, but you can grow them into a full-time gig. Skillshare has some badass resources to help you with your side hustle. Their courses, classes, and tutorials detail every aspect of side hustle businesses. Click to receive a one-month free trial of Skillshare.
  6. Good things do not come to those who wait. If you think you will sit on your hands and wait for a handout for something extraordinary, you will wait your entire life. If you want something, you need to speak up, take it, and not allow life to hand you sloppy seconds.
  7. Don’t be a good little sheep. Society wants you to sit down and shut up. It’s time for you to get up and speak up. Tell the world what you want and what you need. Success favors The bold and people who are willing to take chances. Society doesn’t want that because they want you to be dependent and stuck.
  8. Challenge the status quo. The world is full of sheep, but it needs more leaders. The world needs more independent thinkers and those willing to take risks because success favors the bold. Be willing to go out for what you want and not worry about other people’s thoughts. You only have one shot in this life and must decide how to live it. Do not allow somebody else’s preconceived notions or inability to think outside the box to dictate where you go in life. This includes your parents and loved ones. This is not their life, it’s yours. You have a 100% control over it.

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Aaron Marino (alpha m.) is the number 1 men’s lifestyle influencer with over 8 million followers combined across multiple social media channels.

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